An introduction to biosimilar medicines

Understand the similarities between biologic medicines and biosimilars in terms of structure, mode of action, efficacy and safety.

A biosimilar is a successor to a biologic medicine – also called the ‘reference medicine’ – whose patent has expired.1 Similar to the original key and a replica of the key that a locksmith can make, both the existing biologic medicine and its biosimilar produce the same therapeutic effect.2,3

A biosimilar and its existing biologic are both structurally complex, share a mechanism of action and demonstrate equivalent efficacy and comparable safety.3

An introduction to biosimilar medicines

1. Skingle D. RMD Open 2015;1(1):e000141.
2. Webster CJ, Wong AC, Woollett GR. BioDrugs 2019;33:603–11.
3. EMA. Biosimilars Information Guide. Available at: [Last accessed April 2022];

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